With an increased focus on 21st-century skill development in the classroom, we had the pleasure of teaming up with Indooroopilly State High School to develop a series of 21st Century Skill Profiles.
Designed as a resource for teachers, students, and parents in the community, these Skill Profiles helped create a common definition for 21st Century Skills at Indooroopilly State High School. The profiles were designed to focus around the pillars of Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Digital Citizenship and Lifelong Learning.
Each of these four skills had a profile created with the following elements localised to the Indooroopilly State High School community:
A common definition of the skill
Career pathways that utilise this skill
An overview of 10 tangible sub-skills related to the main skill pillar
A showcase of 3-4 micro-influencers that showcase this skill in practice
Research showcasing the importance of this skill in the workforce
These skill profiles were developed by the BOP and Indooroopilly teams using a Co-Design methodology that saw the two teams working together to explore global examples of these skills in action, before localising them to their community.
Jenny Knowles, Deputy Principal – Partnerships and Wellbeing, said a key platform of Indooroopilly High's strategic direction was ensuring the school's approach to curriculum continued to be innovative and meet the needs of a forward-thinking community.
As part of this, the skill profiles developed have since been utilised in staff professional learning sessions, parent information events, and of course in the classroom.
For more information on these skill profiles, and how we could do something similar for your school, head over to our Curriculum Design Page, or Contact Us to start the conversation.