Founder: Darcy Brown
School: Year 12 Student At St Lawrence's College
Supported By: McCullough Robertson Lawyers
Joined The YE Hub: July 2022
Business Name: Hopstop
Social Media Links: @hopstopholidays On Instagram
@hopstop On Facebook
Tell Us About Your Business:
Hopstop is a travel business focused on providing the most seamless and efficient experience possible when it comes to planning and booking your trip. Through our segmented travel guides, regular articles, and curated fortnightly newsletters, we aim to give travellers the information they need in the most user-friendly way possible, removing the useless information that simply wastes time and energy.

How Did You Come Up With This Business Idea?
In my family, I’ve always been the one who plans and books holidays. My parents are pretty picky, so I’d spend hours looking for what satisfied their needs. Typically, when I found something, it’d be at 11pm, 82 tabs later, and my parents in bed. By the time I showed them in the morning, it would be booked out, and the process would repeat. And that was just for one thing like flights. I knew that there could be an easier way to do things, where you could book everything in one place at one time, so that’s where Hopstop came about.
What Products/Services Are You Offering And Who Are They For?
Currently we are in an MVP stage, offering a fortnightly newsletter, segmented travel guides (families, young people etc.), articles, and reviews. Everything we offer is honest with no nonsense. We believe that travel is stressful as it is, and additional, useless information only makes things worse. Our general market segment is people under the age of 40 that lead busy, professional lives. Our long-term goal is to create an engine where you can build and book an itinerary in less than 10 minutes.

What Is Your Favourite Tool You Use In Your Business?
Notion. I use it for everything - the best all in one tool.
What Is The Most Important Thing You’ve Learnt In The Young Entrepreneurs Hub?
Creating an authentic brand. We want to be seen as a modern, sleek, efficient business. To achieve this, everything that we do has to align with this vision, whether it’s small internal tasks, or big projects. Creating efficient processes and content, will create a strong brand, which will attract our target market and enable us to grow into a flourishing business.
What Advice Do You Have For Other Young People Wanting To Start Their Own
1. Just start. There’s never a perfect time.
2. Be yourself.
3. Enjoy the ride. There’ll be triumphs and tribulations, all you have to do is take it one day at a time and embrace whatever comes your way,
To find out more about Hopstop and to support Darcy's business journey, make sure to follow Hopstop on Instagram. Darcy was able to participate in the Young Entrepreneurs Hub program thanks to the generous support of McCullough Robertson Lawyers.
To find out more about the Young Entrepreneurs Hub and how you can bring your own business idea to life, head to: www.bopindustries.com/yehub