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Ideas Incubator Incursions With Ormiston College

In term four of each year, we have the absolute pleasure of working with the year 10 business students at Ormiston College in our flagship Ideas Incubator workshop. Run in the final week of term, this workshop is run as an opportunity to show students how they can apply their business learnings from throughout the year, and use these learnings to launch their own small business over the summer holidays.

The workshop always kicks off with BOP Industries CEO and Founder, Scott Millar, delivering a keynote sharing his experiences starting BOP as a 14-year-old as part of a school business project. From there we dive into the workshop with students forming teams and delegating roles as we explore the concept of Hipsters, Hackers, Hustlers, and Humanists in the classroom.

After delegating roles in our teams, we work with students to explore business ideas that they could launch over the summer holidays with $100 or less in startup capital. Once students have settled on their ideas we run through the concepts of customer personas, product design, branding and marketing, and business models before then finishing the session with students pitching their business ideas.

We have found this is a great way to show students how they can apply the skills they have developed in their business studies classes, whilst also giving them the spark to launch their own small business over the summer holidays.

If you want to find out more about how you could organise an incursion like this for your students, make sure to head to our Incursions page and fill out a contact form to get in touch with our team.


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