Name: Meena Srinivasan

School: Perth Modern School
Year Level: Year 11
Business Name: mini steps
Website: Mini Steps Website
Instagram: Mini Steps Instagram
Facebook: Mini Steps Facebook
Tell Us About Your Business:
Mini Steps is about creating awareness about consumer behaviour and peoples impact on the environment through what they buy and reducing carbon footprint. I’m all about circular economies and bridging the gap between producers and consumers.
I share stories of local sustainability heroes through various mediums, which include a podcast
(Mini Steps, Big Difference on Spotify!), website and my social media accounts. In the past year I have also been to various local markets, promoting a couple of different local businesses.
Through all of these elements I hope to encourage people to take mini steps in their lives, which add up to make a big difference towards the environment.
How Did You Come Up With The Business Idea?
My journey with “mini steps” began in late 2022 and was driven by my love for the native bush in the Great Southern Region of Western Australia. I was encouraged by my Primary School teachers who were incredibly inspiring and I took part in many sustainability projects in primary school including, helping write a picture book about sustainability and setting up and running the school worm farm. As I started high school I wanted to find out what I could do to contribute to helping conserve our wonderful environment and that's how “mini steps” was born.
What Obstacles Have You Faced In Building And Growing Your Business And How Have You Overcome Them?
The biggest obstacle I've faced was balancing my time between developing my project and school. I just had to focus on getting my idea off the ground and give myself as much time as I needed to get the ball rolling. As “mini steps” grew and splintered into multiple projects I had to learn to prioritise and be consistent with my social media and podcast episodes. Although this was tough at the start I have learnt so many things from the whole process and am still learning now!
Can You Share Any Success Stories Or Moments That Highlight The Positive Influence Of Your Business?

My favourite moment was actually when I did my first podcast episode with my primary school teacher who started my whole sustainability journey basically. I was so excited to show her that all of her inspiring classroom lessons had really inspired me so much, and then having that amazing interview/conversation with her about all the things I’m doing now and all the things we had done back in primary school. I also love seeing people at markets who are genuinely interested in what I’m doing and give encouragement and offer advice!
What Is The Most Important Thing You’ve Learned Through The Next Gen Awards?
I think the most important thing I’ve learnt has definitely been seeing all the other wonderful projects that other Young Entrepreneurs, Innovators, Leaders and Teachers have been developing and creating. At the WA Next Gen awards I was just so in awe of all the amazing things people have been doing but especially all the work that teachers had been doing in their classrooms. Teachers are the start of everyone's journey and I just learnt so much from talking to them.
What Is Your Long-Term Vision For Your Business? + What Future Projects Or Initiatives Do You Have In Mind For Your Business And How Do You Plan To Expand Its Reach And Influence?
My initial vision for “mini steps” was to create an ecommerce platform for local producers to sell to local consumers in their areas. I eventually want to include a carbon footprint calculator that shows you how much footprint you’ve saved from buying that particular product locally. The idea is that there are so many resources out there on what people can do for the environment, but simplifying it down to one “mini step” you can take by buying a product locally. That, combined with learning about the stories behind the producers and finding out just how much carbon footprint they have saved, can act as encouragement to take more “mini steps” in their lives. And I hope this idea eventually reaches everyone on a global scale and lots of people take lots of “mini steps” which add up to make a big difference!
How Do You Plan To Continue Your Journey Of Personal And Professional Development Beyond The Next Gen Awards?
The Next Gen Awards have opened up a plethora of opportunities, with all of the wonderful resources that came with the WA Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award. Using some of these resources, such as Startup business coaching, networking opportunities and Plus 8 Impact Scholarship with Spacecubed, I am aiming to launch my e-commerce platform this year. I also hope to create a bunch more podcast episodes with some interesting and inspiring sustainability heroes!
What Advice Would You Give To Other Young Students Who Aspire To Develop Their Own Businesses?

A piece of advice my dad says to me has always stuck, and it's “don’t wait until you finish school, go to uni and get a job, why don’t you just start now”. This concept of just starting now, no matter how small, and just getting your idea on to paper is the biggest advice I would give. You don’t have to wait for anything at all to start developing a passion project. Just start by taking “mini steps” and eventually you will have created something beautiful and amazing!
To find out more about Mini Steps and to support Meena on her journey, make sure to follow Mini Steps on Instagram or checking out their Website. Meena participated in our Next Gen Awards 2023 program and was our WA Young Entrepreneur of the Year.
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