Founders: Emerald Kaing & Saphire Woods
School: Year 11 Students At Canterbury College
Supported By: The Beenleigh Yatala Chamber Of Commerce
Joined The YE Hub: September 2023
Business Name: Plan A Education
Social Media:
Instagram: @PlanA.Education
Tiktok: @PlanA.Education
Tell Us About Your Business:
At Plan A. Education, we educate, normalise, recognise. We deliver subtle reliable personal health education through packages including essential products and information pamphlets for youth. These will be sent to schools or donated to disadvantaged youth. We aim to tackle the taboo, to educate, normalise and recognise.
How Did You Come Up With This Business Idea?
We found a huge portion of young adults believe they lack knowledge on personal health. And we, from Plan A. Education want to change this. Talking about personal and sexual health is an incredibly sensitive topic, especially when you’re being talked at by some teacher or maybe you’re trying to talk to your kid but can’t find the right words. And, with the rise in TikTok doctors, who knows what’s true or false? That’s where Plan A. Education comes in, with our youth led education packs filled with all the essential information to tackle any personal health taboo.
What Products/Services Are You Offering And Who Are They For?
At this stage, we currently have a Guide to Puberty Pack but aim to expand to cover any personal health issues that any young person may go through, i.e. a subtle yet reliable sexual health package, and a mental health and wellbeing package. Our guide to puberty pack includes an information pamphlet with information all about puberty, fact checked by Queensland Health and firsthand teen experiences. We also Young Entrepreneurs Hub Profile YE Hub 2023 Cohort include pads and tampons for those who require them, neutral deodorant because teens tend to smell a little bad and a discrete toiletry bag, or pencil case if you’d prefer.

What Is Your Favourite Tool You Use In Your Business?
Currently, we at Plan A. Education really cannot get enough of Notion, especially all the specialised BOP pages. Notion is really a great place to organise all your brand information, brainstorm new products as well as the odd bits and pieces!
What Is The Most Important Thing You’ve Learnt In The Young Entrepreneurs Hub?
Attending The Young Entrepreneurs Hub has taught me many skills relevant for any young person aiming to run and upscale their business. The most crucial of all, in my opinion, has to be how to ‘get into the mind’ of a potential consumer through advertisement and the entire sales funnel. Additionally, the intricacies of building a company website truly did help Plan A. Education immensely. Overall, this holistic approach to generating profit as a small business was incredibly insightful and I would recommend The Young Entrepreneurs Hub to any business minded student.
What Advice Do You Have For Other Young People Wanting To Start Their Own
For any young person starting their own business, all I can say is: why not? Constantly asking yourself ‘why?’ and ‘why not?’ during each step of creating your business will ensure you stay on track with your goal. At Plan A. Education, that would be to: Educate. Normalise. Recognise.
To find out more about Plan A. Education and to support Emerald and Saphire on their journey, make sure to follow Plan A. Education on Instagram or Tiktok. Emerald and Saphire have been able to participate in the Young Entrepreneurs Hub program thanks to the generous support of The Beenleigh Yatala Chamber Of Commerce.
To find out more about the Young Entrepreneurs Hub and how you can bring your own business idea to life, head to: www.bopindustries.com/yehub