Education leaders around the world continue to stress the importance of project-based learning and inquiry-based learning as future-focused pedagogical practices to prepare our students for the ever-changing workforce.
As schools work to design and deliver real, relevant, and relatable learning experiences for their students, our innovative educators at BOP have had the pleasure of turning some of our favourite programs from the classroom into project-based units of work for educators to deliver to their students in schools across the country.

Developed by qualified educators on the BOP team, each unit of work is centered around a real-world industry-aligned challenge and is designed to get students developing their skills in design thinking, embracing their innovation mindsets, and practicing their 21st-century skills as they develop out of the box solutions to the challenges pitched to them.
To support teachers in the delivery of these learning experiences, each unit features ten lessons of content complete with over 100 slides, printable classroom resources, comprehensive teaching notes, a unit overview, and a guide to delivering the unit of work.
With St Mark's Anglican Community School looking to deliver future-focused learning experiences for their students, the BOP team worked to deliver five units of work for students from Grades 7-12 at the school. With the aim of these units being to empower St Mark's teachers to deliver opportunities for students to develop their design thinking skills in the classroom, each unit will see students focusing on a different challenge and applying their skills in new contexts.
The units of work being delivered as part of this project include:
Future Foods: The Future Foods program has been designed to get students looking at some of the challenges facing our global community when it comes to the production, distribution, and consumption of food before then challenging them to develop an innovative solution for the future.

Mental Health Hackathon: The Mental Health Hackathon will see students work in teams to develop youth-led mental health solutions for young people that could be integrated into their school, community or digital world.
Industry Innovators: The Industry Innovators program, will see students presented with challenges pitched by a selection of leading organisations from across the country and around the world as they are challenged to develop an out of the box solution ready to pitch at the end of the program.
Vaping: This community leadership challenge has been designed to get students developing impactful solutions to combat the rise in vaping in their local community. Over the course of the unit, students will work to understand the issues associated with vaping, the people affected, and how communities around the world are tackling this issue before they then work to develop their own solution localised to their community.
E-Scooter Safety: This community leadership challenge has been designed to get students creating campaigns and initiatives to encourage key users of their community to be safe while riding E-Scooters. As a challenge identified by students in the local community, this unit will see students taking a design-thinking approach to develop impactful solutions to the issue in their community.
These units of work are currently being delivered to grade 7-12 students at the school to help them develop their skills, build their experience, and design impactful solutions to the challenges they are passionate about solving.
To find out more about our units of work, and to purchase a unit for your students, head to: