There is no doubt that the future of work is changing at a rapid pace. With a rise in automation, artificial intelligence, remote working, stackable qualifications, and alternative career pathways, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed as a young person trying to decide on your career pathway, or as a parent or teacher trying to support a young person in their decision-making process.

To help support Year 10 parents at Kawana Waters State College, Scott Millar had the pleasure of delivering a 70-minute session during term three ahead of subject selection to Year 10 parents and students as part of a parent information evening at the college.
Starting with a 30-minute keynote speech on 'The Power Of Young Professionals', Scott explored the changing world in which Generation Z and Generation Alpha are growing up in, and how organisations around the world are adapting to our new world of work. From there, Scott opened to questions from the floor and chatted with parents and students about concerns they have when thinking about their futures.
To finish the session, Scott then ran a 30-minute masterclass on the theme of 'Building Your Personal Brand'. During this masterclass, parents and students alike worked to identify their passions, values, and skills, before they then worked to turn these elements into a personal elevator pitch they can use when asked the age old question of "What do you want to do when you grow up?".

This was a fabulous evening event for parents and students at Kawana Waters State College. With the key theme that 'Great things never come from comfort zones', Scott challenged all attendees to find the opportunity in the uncertainty as they chart their course in our ever-changing future of work.
To find out more about how you can organise a guest speaker from BOP for a parent information event in your community, head to: