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Write In Green By Maeve Min

Founder: Maeve Min

School: Year 9 Student At Kelvin Grove State College

Joined The YE Hub: May 2022

Business Name: Write In Green

Social Media Link: @write_in_green

Tell Us About Your Business:

My business idea is based on privacy and the environment. I create an aesthetically pleasing notebook by using already used paper to make collages for cover pages and can personalize them for the customer as well. After the customer is finished with their notebook, instead of throwing them about, they can send it back to me and I can reuse the paper again to create another collage for another new notebook, thus reusing and recycling.

How Did You Come Up With This Business Idea?

As a teenager it was hard to find privacy from your friends and family, so I always valued it. And I started wondering how many people in the world lack privacy as I do. As for environment, it’s a very popular topic among Gen Z generation. It’s very important to us as the future generation, and the outcome can impact on us heavily. These two topics inspired me to create this business idea.

What Products/Services Are You Offering And Who Are They For?

The products I am offering are notebooks, drawing books, and accessories. These products don’t have an age requirement, as the target audience is everyone. But the main audience would be teenagers – Gen Z, Millennials.

What Is Your Favourite Tool You Use In Your Business?

My favorite tools would be my hand and glue because all my products are handmade. I don’t cut the papers with scissors because I think that ripping the paper makes it a lot more fun for me and looks a lot more authentic.

What Is The Most Important Thing You’ve Learnt In The Young Entrepreneurs Hub?

The most important thing I’ve learnt in the Young Entrepreneurs Hub is that you have to step out of your comfort zone once in a while to ask for help or to get your voice heard. That if you sit around doing nothing to improve, you will never be better than you are now.

What Advice Do You Have For Other Young People Wanting To Start Their Own


- Always believe in yourself – if you spend your life being cautious and afraid to take risks

you never really live.

- Speak up –If you believe in your idea or beliefs don’t be afraid to speak up.

- Be confident – Step out of your comfort zones a little at a time and be confident in front

of people.

To find out more about Write In Green and to support Maeve's business journey, make sure to follow Write In Green on Instagram. To find out more about the Young Entrepreneurs Hub and how you can bring your own business idea to life, head to:


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