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Year 7 & 11 Innovation Programs at Ascham School

With education and industry leaders across the country emphasising the need for innovation and entrepreneurial skills in the workforce of the future, educators are all looking for impactful ways to help students develop these skills and prepare for their ever-changing futures.

We have had the pleasure of teaming up with Ascham School in Sydney to deliver innovation programs to all Year 7 and 11 students at the school as part of their integrated learning program. These innovation programs have been designed to extend the thinking of students and encourage them to start building their innovation skills as they prepare for the changing workforce of the future.

Each program runs for a half day in length and is delivered by the BOP team on the Ascham campus. These innovation workshops are infused with 21st-century skills and design thinking approaches to get students working to bring their ideas to life, exploring the exciting opportunities available to young people today. The programs consist of the following:

Year 7 XR Creators Program: The XR Creators Program sees students exploring the cutting-edge technology of holographic and extended/virtual reality. Through hands-on projects and workshops, participants will learn about the different tools and techniques used in XR development, including 3D modeling, animation, and programming. They will also learn about user-centered design, storytelling, and how to create impactful XR experiences.

Year 11 Young Professionals Program: Our Young Professionals Program has been designed to help students develop the skills and resources they need to make a headstart on their chosen career pathways. Touching on a range of topics, students will spend the sessions building their personal brands, refreshing their resumes to stand out from the crowd, building our networks and creating our digital presence as students start to plan their pathways. 

To find out more about how you can organise innovation workshops for students in your school community, head to:


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