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The Future Of Transport

Reimagining How We Move Now And Into The Future



About The Program

In an era marked by rapid urbanisation and a growing need for sustainable transportation, the Future of Transport program serves as a platform for students to explore innovative solutions that can shape the future of city and global travel. In our Future Of Transport program, students embark on a future-focused journey, diving into the dynamic world of transportation, planning and envisioning a future where mobility is not only efficient but also environmentally conscious.

As students dive into the Future of Transport program, they will engage in key activities designed to foster creative and critical thinking. From designing a futuristic fleet that prioritises sustainability, to planning a central transport hub integral to a well-connected city, students will gain insights into the complexities of modern transportation systems. The program also emphasises the importance of urban planning, encouraging students to envision a future city where transportation seamlessly integrates with the overall fabric of sustainable living.

This program provides a perfect launchpad for students aspiring to shape the future of transportation and urban development. By immersing themselves in real-world challenges faced by the industry, students not only develop technical skills but also cultivate a mindset geared towards innovation and sustainability. The hands-on projects, collaborative efforts with industry experts, and interactive workshops create an immersive learning experience, equipping students with the knowledge and practical skills needed to become future leaders in the field of transportation.

Age Group

This program has been designed for Primary and High School students and is recommended specifically for Grade 5-10 students.

Program Length

This program can be adapted in length to run for half a day or a full day in length.

Longer programs allow students to further develop their skills and dive deeper into the program content. Shorter programs are great as a taster experience for students touching lightly on the key topics.

Topics Covered

In this program we will be covering the following topics:

Find Out More

Browse the tabs below to find out more about this program:

Case Studies

The Future Of Transport program is one of our most popular programs with school around the world using it as a way to get their students developing their innovation skills as they consider the role of technology in powering our cities.

Examples of how schools have utilised this program in the past include:

RAC WA | Year 5-6: A term long challenge to get students sharing their ideas for what they want the future of their city to look like. To find out more, click here.

Brisbane South State Secondary College | Year 7-9: Delivered as part of a term long innovation program to help students develop their skills in design thinking. To find out more, click here.

Pimlico State High School | Year 9: A half day workshop for Design Technology students to help them design a transportation hub for their local community.

We understand that every school and every class is different. That is why our team of experienced facilitators work with every client to tailor each program to their context.

Let's Chat

We understand that every school and every class is different. If you'd like to chat further about how we can make this program the best fit for your context, book a free 15-minute call with our team of facilitators to chat further! 

Enquire Now

If you would like to organise a program for your students, make sure to submit an enquiry below and our team will be in touch to help bring your program to life!

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